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A bit about me and this blog journey

I am a wife and mother of 2, I love up-cycling furniture and making my own household cleaning products. I have now ventured into making my own personal and some medical products, which I have spent the last year testing and tweaking, so some of my recipes, are now ready to go on here,  Some I have struggled with making my own, and having not really found suitable homemade recipe, I have tested and found organic products out there, that don't cost the earth, literally!

I am also Reiki level 2 attuned, I enjoy making my own Reiki Infused Candles, and Reiki Infused Vision Boards.

I believe we must do our best to change our ways, going back to a more natural way of living,  We need to change the way we shop, the way we clean our homes and our selves, to rid ourselves and the planet of the toxins and chemicals which have made their way into our everyday lives, without most of us even realizing it.  I am hoping that this blog will maybe help some of you try something different, for cleaning both yourselves and your homes, therefore putting less of the 'bad stuff' into our oceans, on and into our own bodies.  Maybe learn a bit about recycling, the do's and don'ts and finally find another use for as much of your unwanted items as possible.  Its basically about going back to basics.  After all mother nature gives us everything we need, and always has done, for thousands of years we new this, but in the last 100 years we seem to have forgotten this, and allowed companies to take over all our products with chemicals.  It seems if they can make it, they can patent it, then make money from it, But mother nature provides it all free for us to use, without damaging her in the process.  I am studying right now, on  master herbalist course, which I also changing the way I feed my family and treat illnesses.  Mother Nature is amazing, the more I learn, the more I realise just how off track we have all become, we need to let Mother Nature lead the way.


The information on this website has not been evaluated by the MHRA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease ,  Please make any of these recipes at your own descretion.

©2018 by diynaturesway. Proudly created with

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