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Recycling tips you probably didn't know

There is no point in recycling if you don't follow some simple rules, as it will all end up in landfills anyway, here's some tips to make sure it won't be rejected. and some other ideas for recycling

  • Remove the lids off plastic bottles - chances are they will be rejected, unless you completely empty the bottle and squeeze the air out, then put lid back on.

  • Clean all things going into recycling - if there is food residue left on it, it will be rejected and can make the whole lot rejected.

  • Never put recycling into carrier bags - it will be rejected.

  • Remember to recycle your cans - This is one area that recycling is working really well, it takes just 60 days for it to be recycled and back on the shelf being re-used, In the U.K we produce 9 billion cans a year of which 80% are aluminium, 1 recycled can, would save enough energy to power a T.V for 3 hours. 75% of the aluminium ever made is still in use today! These are really good statistics, so lets all remember to put our aluminium cans in the correct recycling bins.

  • Disposable Nappies are not recyclable - Re-usable nappies have come a long way, there are quite a few options out there, which i will go into more depth in the 'swaps' blog.

  • Polystyrene and cling film - are recyclable, but not all area's will recycle it, you need to check with your council refuse department to be sure.

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