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Recycling codes - what they actually mean

You may be surprised what some of the symbols on our packaging actually mean, I basically thought most signs meant it was recyclable, but that is not the case as you will see below.

The Mobius Loop

This is the 'Mobius loop', it means the product is capable of being recycled. But it DOES NOT mean it can be recycled by your local authority via collection or recycling centre, you will need to check with your local council. Also it DOES NOT mean it is made from recycled materials. It may come in different colours often solid green or outlined green.**

**if the symbol has a number with % in the middle, this DOES SHOW it is made from that amount of recycled material.

The Green Dot

This is the 'Green Dot' This shows the producer has contributed to the recovery and recycling of packaging. It DOES NOT MEAN IT IS RECYCLABLE.


NOT TO BE PUT IN YOUR RECYCLING, This symbol means it can be 'Industrially Composted' But will contaminate your recycling, as it is designed to breakdown, so must be put with your garden waste and recycled through your local authority, not at home.

Plastic Codes

1. PETE Polyethylene Terephthalate which is clear tough plastic, including water, soft drink and juice bottles, its one of the most common plastics and is widely recyclable.

These are generally use one time items.

2. HDPE High-density polyethylene which is coloured or white bottles including milk, shampoo and cleaning products, It’s often used in toys and kitchenware. These can be re-used and are widely recyclable.

3. PVC Polyvinyl chloride is used in food wrap, bread bags and food bags. The logo on plastic will often only have a ‘V’ below the symbol. Generally NOT recyclable but you could check to be sure.

4. LDPE Low Density Polyethylene is soft flexible plastic, like squeezy sauce bottles also commonly used in toys, carrier bags and general packaging, some food packaging and shopping bags. These can be re-usable and maybe recyclable you will need to check with your local council.

5. PP Polypropylene is often used for products that are injection moulded and blow moulded, it is a hard flexible plastic and used in hinged lunch boxes and take away containers. Also Furniture, t.v (electricals) and toys. These are generally re-usable and maybe recyclable you will need to check with your local council.

6. PS Polystyrene is not just that white, fluffy packaging material that gets everywhere, it’s also used in some margarine tubs and is in the kind of material used for CD cases and cosmetic packs. Some toys, hard packaging and costume jewelry. Generally NOT recyclable.

7. OTHER Other kinds of plastic not defined by the previous groups. NOT recyclable.

Generally 1-6 are recyclable but again you must check with your local authority if they are recyclable in your area, as they are often different. I know its a pain but its worth a quick look on your local council website or a quick phone call to check, otherwise all your hard work and others will be wasted if it gets rejected due to wrong items, or unclean items in the load.

Once I started to look for the codes on plastic it does get a bit easier knowing what is what.

On Packaging

This is something often found on pre-cooked food labels for example,

Section 1, - the cardboard sleeve is recyclable.

Section 2 - the plastic tray the food is in is recyclable but you will need to check with your local council.

Section 3 - the plastic film is not recyclable.

There are others like above with different wording, but all are quite self explanatory.

Glass label

This means glass is widely recyclable, but if you are recycling at a bottle bank, you must separate the different colour bottles.

Aluminium cans

This symbol advises the item is made from recycled aluminium.

There are a few more but these are the most used, all info is from websites,

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the MHRA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease ,  Please make any of these recipes at your own descretion.

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