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Natural Homemade Washing Up Liquid Recipe and/or Refill your ECO Friendly Washing up Liquid and redu

If you find making your own planet friendly products quite hard, well another option is to buy your eco products, and to reduce your waste there are places where you can take your bottles, and refill them at a reduced cost. I thought this would be quite expensive, but I was so wrong!

See my blog on refillstations

I have have been struggling with washing up liquid myself, I generally use the Soapnut Washing Up Liquid see recipe 1, but do find I need something different for cutlery, (also the hubby is not kean on using it) but not wanting to go back to the chemical laden products I used to buy, I have started buying an Eco range Washing Up Liquid, and get them refilled to save on waste.

This is a fantastic idea, some plastic bottles can be refilled many times, and it cost quite a lot less to just refill them.

Now there are not Refill stations everywhere yet, my nearest one with Ecover is 50 miles away, (checked on their website) Ecover is widely available, from many shops, including major supermarkets.

So I visited and found another refill shop near me., These are based in Northampton,

You can take ANY bottle to them as long as you know size of it, you fill it yourself and they charge you for the amount you filled. I found the prices really good value.

They use Ecoleaf and Bio-d products. I checked them out at

and various site's which gave info on Ecoleaf.

Prices are reasonable buying straight from this and other websites, but obviously you will be buying the bottles each time, although they do sell in bulk.

I am still testing some of these products, so will update you when have found my favourite.

Soapnut Washing Up Liquid Recipe 1

Basic Soapnut Liquid recipe - click HERE for how to make this,

Add essential oils of your choice, I use Lemon or Orange as a degreaser and Lavender for its antibacterial properties.

Remember this must be kept in the fridge to make it last longer, or freeze it and just a couple of cubes to each wash.

Also remember it won't really sud up, but you DON'T NEED BUBBLES TO CLEAN! Your plates etc, will come out lovely and sparkling clean, but I do find something else is needed for the cutlery, which is why I always have a shop bought natural washing up liquid to hand too.

I have tried many other recipes which include castille soap, but ALL of them left a film on everything and needed to be rinsed vigorously after.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the MHRA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease ,  Please make any of these recipes at your own descretion.

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