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Essentials items for diy natural household cleaning

After realizing just how bad for the planet, most of the cleaning products are out there, I decided to go natural. After shopping around I realized this can be quite expensive, so I decided that making my own products would be the best way to go, also it meant I new exactly what was going to be in them.

My first thing was to work out what I needed to make it all, after looking at lots and lots of websites/blogs I realized as long as I had a few basics, I could make most things.

The list of basics, you should always have in your cupboard for making household cleaning is...


Soda Crystal (also known as washing soda)

Borax substitute

Bicarbonate of soda

White Vinegar

Some of your favorite Essential Oils

Very Handy

Olive Oil (cold compressed preferably)

Liquid Castille soap (although I am moving away from this now as it can leave a residue- I am still working on an alternative I am happy with)

Soapnuts ** I will be doing a blog on these amazing berries very soon

Start saving your empty jam jars, honey squeezys (although I don't buy plastic anymore I saved what I had) and spray bottles, clean them all out and store them as you will need them for all your homemade products.

Re-usable wash clothes (instead of kitchen roll)

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the MHRA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease ,  Please make any of these recipes at your own descretion.

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