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               Want to help preserve and protect our beautiful planet?

                    Want to ditch toxin and chemical laden products?

                                               Want to use natural and safer products on your family?

Nature provides all we need to keep our homes and ourselves clean and healthy.

Fed up of searching through loads of different website's for information on natural recipes for cleaning your house and to use on your family?

Well I was, for quite a few months, after watching a program on T.V about how toxins and chemicals that are in our cleaning products are really harming and even killing our lovely marine life, and how we are affecting our                                                                                   planet with our waste products.                                                                                      Without our Planet, there will be no us!,   

                           She is the legacy we will be leaving to our grandchildren and great grandchildren                                      She gives us life and we must try to preserve and protect her as much as possible, we owe her respect, after all    She gave us life...   .

For thousands of years we new this, but in the last 100 years we seem to have forgotten this, and allowed companies to take over all our products with chemicals.  It seems if they can synthetically make it, they can patent it, then make money from it, But mother nature provides it all free for us to use, without damaging her in the process. I decided to try switching back to Natural Products, I know that just one person probably won't make much difference, but after looking on line I realized there's lots of us out there trying to make these changes, if enough of us make the change we can achieve big things. We have already made a BIG change with 'carrier bags' in the U.K, we have successfully changed the way, that we as a Nation, bag our shopping.  This is fantastic progress, We now need to do this in other area's.   After looking into the naturaI products out there, I quickly realized that they are  quite a lot more expensive to buy,  so I thought 'I'll make my own then'   

Here starts my journey ...


Next came the research..

I then found myself going backwards and forwards from website to website and blog to blog, trying to piece together the best recipes and the best Essential oils to use. I ended up with about 10 pages open at one time, all with different bits of information on them, 'there must be a better way' I thought, but no, there wasn't, so I decided to put this blog together so I can try to put all this information into one place, to save everyone else having to do what I had to do.  I am not 'tech savy' in any way, so please excuse any mistakes!...  This is also a 'work in progress' so I am trying to get as much info on as soon as I can. 

** Update ** My journey has grown so much since I started this site only a few months ago,  Originally this was all about cleaning my house, but the more I learnt, it has expanded into making my own personal/beauty products and health/medical products, to changing my diet and how I shop for food to feed my family.

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